0 comments Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Personal injury suffered by a person due to the negligence of others must be quickly assessed by an injury lawyer or injury attorney. This is not for the sole purpose of lawsuit but for protecting the rights of victims. In fact, there might even be no negligence at all but merely an accident.

An example to this is exposure to Vinyl Chloride which is a very dangerous chemical. This can cause personal injury. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that there is no safe exposure level for this chemical. Anyone exposed to it should contact an injury attorney. Some injury lawyers provide free consultation.

But keep in mind that even if there is personal injury, not all cases like this are caused by negligence—some are caused by accident. Facts must be investigated by a competent injury lawyer in the soonest time possible.

Check the sidebar at the right if you need more information.

0 comments Sunday, August 16, 2009

Personal Injury, as opposed to injury to property, is an injury suffered by a person. When one thinks of personal injury, physical bodily injury automatically comes to mind. However, personal injury is not limited only to injury to the body but also to a person’s mind and emotions.

Personal injury is normally suffered in car accidents or road traffic accidents, accidents while working, accidents at home, slip and fall accidents or tripping accidents, injuries suffered from defective products, assault claims, and a lot more which this blog hopes to cover.

If you suffer personal injury, you must quickly asses whether you need to file a claim or lawsuit in the soonest possible time. If you don’t, some evidence will be lost or their weight reduced. Important facts related to the accident, for instance, might also be forgotten. In personal bodily injury, the physical injury might already heal and your claim will not be as strong as it should be or might not even be convincing anymore.

Check the sidebar at the right if you need more information.